

GRoton Accelerate Challenge Enrich (GRACE) provides an opportunity for Groton students to use the summer after Third Form (9th grade) to accelerate their academic progress.
GRACE promotes flexibility within the Groton curriculum and helps all students reach their full potential. 对于一些, GRACE will accelerate access to our most advanced courses; for others, 它将填补准备的空白,为成功奠定基础. 
The optional four-week program prepares GRACE Scholars for the rigors of Upper School, 同时也认识到夏季娱乐和休闲的重要性. Each winter, current Third Formers receive information about applying to GRACE. 

This year's GRACE program will run from Sunday, June 23 to Friday, July 19, 2024.


  • 波默罗伊的照片

    Cort 城堡内 



每次只让自己沉浸在一两个科目中, GRACE Scholars can make meaningful academic progress in just four weeks. Students typically take either two A courses, one B course, or an A and a B course. Occasionally, two B courses may be taken, but only with special permission. A courses meet for an hour and a half each weekday; B courses meet for three hours each weekday, 周六再加一个小时.

在免费期间, students will have the opportunity to take enrichment classes in art and theater.


  • 英语

    A Course: Enhance 写作 and analytical skills in preparation for Upper School 英语
  • 历史与社会科学

    现代全球史A:加强阅读, 写作, 做笔记, 以及为现代全球史做准备的研究技能
  • 拉丁

    A Course: Students coming from 拉丁 1, firm up preparation for 拉丁 2
    B Course: Students coming from 拉丁 1, move directly into 拉丁 3, skipping 拉丁 2
  • 数学与计算机科学

    A Course: Students coming from Geometry, firm up algebra skills in preparation for Algebra 2
    B课程:来自代数1的学生, 直接进入代数2, 在学年期间跳过几何课
  • 科学

    B Course: Move directly into AP Chemistry without taking Chemistry during the school year
  • 世界语言

    Chinese 1: Covers the essential topics of a Chinese 1 course and is intended for students currently in Chinese 1 who want to shore up skills in preparation for Chinese 2 and for students who were not able to take Chinese 1 in Third Form. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth Form course placement (Chinese 1 or 2) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made.

    Chinese 2:  Covers the essential topics of a Chinese 2 course and is intended for students currently in Chinese 2 who want to shore up skills in preparation for Chinese 3 and for students who want to advance from Chinese 1 directly to Chinese 3. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth form course placement (Chinese 2 or 3) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made.

    French 1: Covers the essential topics of a French 1 course and is intended for students currently in French 1 who want to shore up skills in preparation for French 2 and for students who were not able to take French 1 in Third Form. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth Form course placement (French 1 or 2) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made.

    French 2:  Covers the essential topics of a French 2 course and is intended for students currently in French 2 who want to shore up skills in preparation for French 3 and for students who want to advance from French 1 directly to French 3. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth form course placement (French 2 or 3) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made.

    Spanish 1 (ñ) : Covers the essential topics of a Spanish 1 course and is intended for students currently in Spanish1 who want to shore up skills in preparation for Spanish 2 and for students who were not able to take Spanish 1 in Third Form. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth Form course placement (Spanish 1 or 2) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made.

    Spanish 2 (ñ):  Covers the essential topics of a Spanish 2 course and is intended for students currently in Spanish 2 who want to shore up skills in preparation for Spanish 3 and for students who want to advance from Spanish 1 directly to Spanish 3. 对于后者来说, the department will make a recommendation about the most appropriate IVth form course placement (Spanish 2 or 3) at the conclusion of GRACE based on progress made. 


除了报名参加课程, students will experience a variety of fun and enriching extracurricular activities. 易胜博app安卓下载的食堂将提供所有的饭菜, and boarding students will stay in Groton dorms under the supervision of the GRACE faculty.

  • Afternoon activities: swimming, stand-up paddle boarding, tennis, running, and group games
  • Off-campus 娱乐 (Wednesday nights): mini-golf, a trampoline park, movies, and bowling
  • 游乐园
  • 白水漂流
  • zipline
  • 海滩之旅
  • 波士顿



  • 班级日时间表

    8:00 a.m.
    8:30–10:00 a.m.
    10:10–11:40 a.m.
    12:20–1:50 p.m.
    2:00–3:30 p.m.
    3:45–5:00 p.m.
    5:30 p.m.
    8:00–9:30 p.m.
    9:30 p.m.
    10:00 p.m.


Acceptance into GRACE is based on the recommendations of teachers and department heads who assess whether each student is well suited to benefit from the course or courses in which they are interested.

学费 & 金融援助

下面列出的学费包括所有费用, 不仅包括学术项目, 还有吃饭, 艺术课程, 娱乐项目, 娱乐, 实地考察.

可以获得经济援助, 在某些情况下,超过学年分配的水平, to keep the cost of the program from preventing a student's participation in GRACE. 一旦学生在二月初被GRACE项目录取, parents will be contacted and given the opportunity to request financial aid.