

If you are a 易胜博app安卓下载 alum, you are a member of our vibrant alumni association. We hope you’ll get involved—it’s a great way to stay in touch with formmates, 朋友, 还有学校. 不需要缴纳会费,也不需要完成任务. And activities often spark 朋友hips among graduates who did not know each at Groton.

每年, alumni participate in Groton life by attending Groton events, 加入易胜博app安卓下载妇女网络, 回到秘社去 团聚, networking on the 易胜博app安卓下载 校友 App, and providing 金融支持. Groton’s alumni are some of the most active and generous among independent schools and colleges, with more than 50 percent giving to the 易胜博app安卓下载基金 each year.


考虑换份新工作? Groton's 校友 Office and the GrotonConnect site can help you establish professional contacts, 你是否要搬家, 寻找新的机会, 或者探索一个全新的领域.

The 校友 Office maintains a registry of alumni and parents, 按地区和领域组织, who have volunteered to provide informational meetings and referrals. It can be a significant asset if you’re developing the chain of contacts essential to a successful job search. To receive a customized list of career advisors in your field or region, 请拨打978-448-7588与艾莉森·麦克布赖德联系, or go to GrotonConnect and filter by your desired field.

The 校友 职业咨询项目 is not a job placement service, 所以请不要期待更多的好建议. It can provide an effective way to research occupations, 为面试做准备, 了解就业市场, 或者熟悉一个新的领域. 联系顾问时, 准备好问相关的问题, 分享你的简历, 解释你的兴趣和技能. Remember to follow up with a thank you note and inform the advisor of your progress.

If you are a graduate or parent willing to share your time and experience, 请致电800-396-6866与校友办公室联系. 你可以决定你发送易胜博app安卓下载请求的频率. Career Advisory volunteers contribute to both Groton's legacy of service and the professional development of a Grotonian in transition.


The 易胜博app安卓下载妇女网络 (GWN) aims to build a community that fosters new, 丰富, and sometimes lifelong relationships among 易胜博app安卓下载 women—alumnae, 母亲, 祖母, 配偶, 和员工. The GWN hosts gatherings, encouraging professional and personal development.
Programs have assisted Groton women with networking, mentoring, and career advising. The GWN also strives to sustain the school’s call to service by supporting community engagement projects, 无论是全球还是本地.

GWN's regional chapters have planned a large variety of events: GWN members have volunteered at a women’s shelter, 在校友厨师的指导下一起烹饪, 参观了国家美术馆, 为节日玩具募捐收集物品, 看了CBS的《易胜博app安卓下载》节目, 分发感恩节食品包, and attending an art workshop for 母亲 and children.

