The weekday Chapel program is led by our chaplain, 圣公会牧师, and the 精神生活 prefects, who represent our various religious traditions. 教堂 strives to be inviting, 包容, and a safe place in which to strengthen the foundation of the community.
A typical weekday service opens with prayer, followed by a short reading that reflects anything from the speaker’s religious tradition to a favorite novel. Next, a student, faculty member, alumna/us, or guest delivers a Chapel talk. 是否有趣, 富有洞察力的, 具有挑战性的, 和动人的, the talks provide a window to a deeper presence that daily routines sometimes obscure. The weekday service concludes with communal singing, 常作赞美诗, sometimes followed by musical postludes performed by students.
Students are required to attend a weekend service each week; they choose among the services offered that best fit their own tradition or ethos. Many students from various Christian denominations attend a Sunday service in the Episcopal tradition at St. 约翰的教堂. Jewish students often choose to observe a Friday evening Sabbath service; Muslim students gather in prayer and study; Hindu students gather for 供 and study; Buddhist students (and many who consider themselves spiritual but not religious) find quiet time for meditation during a weekly sangha; and many Roman Catholic students attend Mass at the local parish.